For those of you not familiar with the concept of the Greene-Calhoun CEO Program, this is a program that is unlike any other program high school students have experienced. While this program is about entrepreneurship and rural economic development, this program is really about encouraging students to get out of their comfort zone by challenging them to be in situations they have never been in before and to tackle tasks they have never done before. Are they going to fail? Yes. Is that ok? Yes!

Did they fail to count the 50/50 amount before announcing in the winning number? Yes. Did they fail to have enough change for 50/50 tickets? Yes. Did they fail to leave a main aisle down the middle of the tables in the event space? Yes. Did they fail to write down names next to auction paddle numbers? Yes, they sure did.

Did they learn something from their mistakes? Yes! Is it hard sitting back and allowing them to make mistakes so they will learn without letting them fall off the cliff? You have no idea! Will they remember it because no one swooped in and fixed it for them? ABSOLUTELY YES!!!

That’s what this program is all about…learning by doing. While success is a great teacher, failure is an even better one. These students will learn so much more from their failures than they ever will from their successes. These students were so excited at their success last night because THEY did it. Not me, not their parents, not their teachers. THEY DID IT. That is what CEO is all about and I couldn’t be more proud of this amazing group of students. ❤️